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A Szépművészeti Múzeum önkéntes tárlatvezetői programja angolul 2011 évben.

2011.09.19. 15:29 SI

2011 szeptember 27-én 11.00 - 13.00

Helyszín: a Szépművészeti Múzeum előcsarnoka Tartson velünk, és ismerje meg a Szépművészeti Múzeum angol nyelvű önkéntes tárlatvezetői programját!


Az önkéntes tárlatvezetői program angol nyelvű előadássorozata

2011. október 4 – 2011. december 13.

Manifestation of the Divine: Gothic Art

Step back in time and explore the richness of Gothic art in the Museum of Fine Arts Budapest this autumn!

While Renaissance authors applied the term ’Gothic’ pejoratively to mean ‘barbaric’ and unrefined, today it is associated with gracefulness and serene beauty. The awe-inspiring spires of the Gothic cathedrals epitomize medieval civilization, along with the solemn frescos and panel paintings, the exquisite sculptures and the delicate illuminated manuscripts of the age.

The ancestor of every Gothic church, the abbey church of St-Denis, was built in France in the first half of the 12th century. The impact of its pointed arches and ribbed vaults was paramount, soon paving way to the construction of even more imposing cathedrals. As all visual arts were involved in the decoration of the great cathedrals, the new style spread rapidly from city to city, country to country, and by the late 14th century a coherent universal style known as International Gothic had evolved.

Filtered through stained glass windows the unearthly light of the Gothic cathedral was a reminder of an all-embracing presence of God and the power of the Christian church throughout centuries. As the jewel-like windows served physical and spiritual illumination at the time, our lecture series this fall will bring intellectual light to your life by dwelling on the divine in art.

Everyone is welcome – the lectures are open to all. Attend only a few or the whole series. No need to register in advance. Come when you can!

Tuesdays 10.15 a.m. – 12 noon

October 4
Chivalrous Knights and Devilish Witches - Cultural Mirror of the Middle Ages
Lecturer: Edina Deme

October 11
"The French style" - Gothic Art and Architecture in France from Notre Dame to the Sainte-Chapelle
Lecturer: Zsófia Kovács

October 18
Carved from Fear and Love - Gothic Sculpture in Western Art
Lecturer: Krisztina Mácsay

November 8
Fascination for Details - Late Medieval Altarpieces in the Northern Countries
Lecturer: Eszter Tóth

November 15
Prosperity of Art at the Crosspoint of Cultures - Painting in Medieval Spain
Lecturer: Eszter Tóth

November 22
Water, Pigment and Plaster - Italian Fresco Painting in the Middle Ages
Lecturer: Dr. Dóra Sallay

November 29
New Avenues in Art - Trecento Painting in Florence and Siena
Lecturer: Dr. Dóra Sallay

December 6
Unity of Structure and Intent - Late Medieval Altarpieces in Italy
Lecturer: Dr. Dóra Sallay

December 13
International Gothic and Art in Tuscany at the Dawn of the Renaissance
Lecturer: Dr. Dóra Sallay

For guests: the cost is HUF 2,500 per lecture. Just buy a ticket at the lobby cashier right before the lecture - ask for a “Docent Program Gothic Art Lecture Ticket”. You do not need to pay for entry to the Museum in addition. After the lecture, please feel free to use this ticket to enjoy all the galleries in the permanent collection.

For Docents-in-Training: this series is included in the overall training fee.
Location: the Museum of Fine Arts Budapest, Italian Gallery (1st Floor).

All dates, times and locations are subject to change.

For more information, contact


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